Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Running Through the Snow

The melted and re-frozen ice made everything look like water was still dripping from it.
Even though I hate it when it snows (I have to get up early for work to clear the sidewalks), I love what it does to the mountains. Needless to say, when it snowed Monday night, I left as soon as I could from work in the morning (no projects so I was able to be gone from 10:00-12:00) and headed for the 27th street trail head and started taking snow covered pictures, In all it was a very successful photo shoot, and wearing the proper snow gear, it was a rather pleasant, though short hike as well. the only down part was actually after the shoot. While I was formatting some pictures, I accidentally deleted one of them, the one that in my opinion was the best one of the day. I really do think that a hike through a wooded area, though, is one of the best wars to start a day. while working at scout camp you take that for granted, but I really noticed the difference in my day. Running up the trail through the snow; however, also made it painfully obvious how out of shape I was, I only did so for an eighth of a mile before slowing to a walk. I realize the snow makes it harder to run, but I used to run a 6 min mile every week. Well, I guess that's what computers do to you. At least photography gets me outdoors more often, maybe I'll start getting back into shape. The only real disappointment of the day was that I was leaving when the sun came over the mountain to where I was, and with such great lighting against the snow, it seemed a sin to leave with most of my pictures taken in the half light of early morning that perpetuates the mountain slopes in the winter.
I don't even know how the grass was still so green but it was.

This is actually one of the trees right outside my work, but same wintry atmosphere.

It seems ironic that a plant as annoying as one of these burrs could make fore a good shot.

I'm pretty sure these are Russian olives, but these were red, and I've only ever seen them light green.

I really like the ice crystals in this shot, this was right after the sun came up.

Come to think of it, besides the one patch of grass, berries were almost the only living things I saw besides bare branches.

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