Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ice and Wind

The wind gave this tree some crazy icicles.
This is actually one of my previous photo shoots, I was looking through some of my older pictures and saw a few that I liked, so I decided to post them. This was actually the first photo shoot that I did this year with snow, but it was the day after it snowed so a lot of it had melted and then frozen again while the wind was blowing so there were some pretty cool ice formations. I also took a few pictures that weren't so up close, making this a more unique photo shoot.
In some places, the snow still seemed to be unaffected by the temperature and didn't melt.

The snow was already completely gone from this tree.

This is one of the few landscapes I've done, but I liked it enough to upload it.

I took quite a few picture of the ice close up, but this  was really the only one that turned out well.

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